Life On Cars Mini among Woodvale Rally entrants

THIS year's Woodvale Rally is going to be bigger and better than ever before, the event's organisers have told Life On Cars this weekend.

A thrilling wall of death, a recreation of the Dambusters raids in minature, scores of classic cars and an array of fairground rides are among the many attractions at this year's Woodvale Rally, taking place this Saturday and Sunday (August 7 and 8).
“This year’s rally is packed with attractions and exhibits for everyone,” said Peter Wood, Rally manager.

“It really is an affordable fun day out for all the family. We’d advise people to arrive early so they can thoroughly enjoy everything the rally has to offer.”
Among the special events at the rally this weekend is a commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, and displays from Neil Porter, the motorcycle stunt rider, the Michael Colley Stunt Show and the Vander Brothers Wheel of Death Stunt Team.

Classic cars of all ages, shapes and sizes will also be on display throughout the year, including the original Mini frequently featured on Life On Cars.

Mini Southport and Ormskirk District will be on Stand 42 at the rally, between the Triumph and Porsche owners' clubs.

Tickets in advance for both days are £8 for adults, £4 for children, £7 for OAPs and £20 for a family ticket. At the gate adults tickets cost £10, children £5, OAPs £8 and a family ticket is £25. Tickets are valid for both days.

For further information telephone 07794 781027 or visit Advance tickets are available from the Tourist Information Centre on the corner of Lord Street and Eastbank Street in Southport.

Champ reporter David Simister will be offering updates on the Woodvale Rally on the Champion Twitter feed throughout this weekend. To find out more log onto or visit our website at and follow the links.
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