New Slot Car Corner "steel wheel"

From the review by Harry Wise of Home Racing World:
Advancements in slot car wheel design and manufacture have come a long way in just the past few years. With new CAD applications and finer milling tolerances we have seen many designs come along that allow us great variety. Slot Car Corner is a leader in this art-form of wheel design and already has an impressive line to choose from.

But with all this variety, only ONE style has been what this slot racer has wanted. That's right, the good old stamped steel wheel.

No other wheel has had such an impact on our car culture in my opinion. From backyard rat rods, stock cars, and weekend draggers to the high banks of Daytona, this reliable "spare wheel" has seen it all. Yet in our scale hobby it has been quite elusive. Of course we already have insert wheels that allows to make our own, but now we have a "bolt on" ready to run option that will save a lot of time and effort for those of us modeling the many cars they appeared on.

Read the full review at this link.
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