Germany February 2013

Tall and narrow, there's nothing like the Citröen C-Zero...Apart from his cousins  iOn and I-Miev

An out-of-this-world performance of the Citroën C-Zero in February allowed the german EV market to disguise the sales drought that has been suffering in the last months, in fact the 253 units sold by Citröen (Probably a fleet deal, does anyone know what happened here?), not only established a record sales month for this model but it also allowed it to jump from fifth to number one in the YTD sales, and with enough distance to keep it there for a few months as well.

Coming down in the real ranking, we see the Opel Ampera fighting the #2 spot with the Twizy, with the latter probably winning it in the future as weather gets warmer and people forget that the tiny EV wasn't really made for cold climates...

Pl Germany Feb YTD % '12Pl
1 Citröen C-Zero 253 259 56 4
2 Opel Ampera 26 70 15 2
3 Renault Twizy 29 66 14 1
4 Nissan Leaf 5 29 6 5
5 Peugeot iOn 9 18 4 8
6 Renault Fluence ZE 6 10 2 6
7 Mitsubishi I-Miev 4 9 2 9

TOTAL 332 461 100


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