Test Alpina D3 Biturbo Coupe BVA - Shy Return

Alpina D3 Biturbo Coupe BVA
BMW 3 Series Coupe? No: you're looking at a Alpina
D3,  revised by the famous "mechanical wizard" German
Always keen to offer BMW "improved" Alpina is back in France with a range. Including the D3 Biturbo diesel ... little endearing.

In Germany, we love the "mechanics-magicians" talented. As Alpina, which from 1961 has been constantly offering his BMW spiced sauce. Among imported into our market since late 2010 models, the D3 Biturbo is a 3 Series diesel "boosted".
German craftsman slipped under the hood than the four-cylinder BMW 123d reserve. After passing through the Bavarian Alpina workshop, the 2.0 diesel delivers 214 hp and 450 Nm of torque (204 hp and 400 Nm for the 123d). The suspensions are reviewed, and Alpina struggles to remove the BMW emblems and replace them with his own, apart from the one on the cover.
Alpina D3 Biturbo Coupe BVA
The BMW logo has disappeared from the
interior of the Alpina

    Diesel sober
    Striking performance
    Neat finish
Pitfalls of
    Vibrating motor and growling
    Amortization imperfect
    Strong price

Flashy rims and stickers complement the range. Until then asked, the mood takes a hit when the diesel is up. A vibrant nothing at idle and growling as the acceleration in the BMW models, the 2.0 does not sport stamp. Or temperament. For diesel, it climbs to conquer the red zone with gusto, but the linear thrust and without character does not captivate. Subjective judgment? Yes, and totally assumed as driving pleasure is not limited to objective criteria. Remains that D3 has the resource, speeding 80 to 120 km / h in just 4.7 seconds.

Alpina D3 Biturbo Coupe BVA
When the bitumen is perfect, the D3 just to exploit its
(too) wide tires, triggering its slip at every turn chanp
The other disappointment is the chassis, not much better cushioning than a standard 3 Series. Body movements are disordered on bad roads and when the bitumen is perfect, the D3 just to exploit its (too) large optional 19-inch tires, triggering her to slip all the time. In short, far from being a BMW "revised", the Alpina D3 disappoint. While it is fairly simple (8.2 l/100 km on average), but it is a bit short to justify the requested addition, when BMW for a close price, offers a 325d Coupe (204 hp), almost as efficiently and with a nobler six-cylinder
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