$25 Donation Program- Central Dakota Humane Society

A little goes a long way. Here's how your $25 went to work:

"Our Director, Sue Buchholz, was contacted by a veterinarian who works with an organization that provides services to various reservations and was in Standing Rock a few weeks prior to the rescue this past Sunday.  The vet met a family of a young girl who had brought her a “broken kitten” on her way to the playground.  The kitten received surgery and was adopted.  When the vet went to the girls house to have the kitten signed over to the vet by the girl’s mother she met four 20-25 pound cute little mixed breed dogs who lived outside. 

The little girl cared for them...and followed her everywhere (including back to the clinic building when she walked me back.)  Two had just had pups - there was a giant pile of them under the front porch and the vet thought they were about 5-6 weeks old.  There is also a maybe 50 pound friendly, beautiful blond male mixed breed dog. The vet encouraged the family to bring the dogs in for vaccines the next day...and they all followed the little girl over the next day for us to treat them.  That day, the young girl asked over and over again for the vet to take the dogs and find them new homes because her family couldn't care for them and unfortunately, the vets that perform the services to the reservations can't take and re-home animals from the reservation.  

Ultimately CDHS was asked by the Vet and the family to pick up the dogs and re-home them to loving and caring folks and the shelter director and 2 volunteers made the trip last Sunday to pick up the dogs.  The dogs are now at CDHS and receiving vaccinations and care and are currently in quarantine to make sure they are healthy enough to be adopted.  They all require vaccinations  and rabies shots before they will be available for adoption.  The costs incurred for the transport and care of this group of 13 will be thankfully covered by the generous donation from your company.  CDHS is so grateful for your support and perhaps a meet and greet can be scheduled in October for your staff to meet some of these little guys if they aren't adopted by then."  
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