Tomica Limited Vintage: Opening another parcel full of brand new TLV from Japan Booster...

I have said it many times before, but Christmas morning happens every month here at Lamley.  That is when our Santa in postal clothes drops off a package from our friends at Japan Booster.

Or we can put it another way.  I need my monthly Tomica Limited Vintage fix, and Japan Booster is my dealer.

Whatever it is, the delivery came yesterday, and yeah, I'm happy.  Included in the package were several brand new TLV's, the North American Nissan IDx Freeflow, two colors of the Toyota Town Ace High Roof Van, and the Seibu Keisatsu imposter Super Z (more on that in an upcoming post).  And Japan Booster also included two TLV's high on my want list: 2 more colors on from the Nissan Gloria Super 6 Racing Series, and because I am blissfully bonkers, the other Hino 5-car Transporter.

Each one of these is going to get the full Lamley Studio treatment, including a side-by-side comparison of the two Nissan IDx Freeflows.  But I was having too much fun with the Transporter to take the studio pics, so I just took a bunch of random photos of the new stuff on the Tomicarama used car lot.  I even added the second Transporter, a Datsun Wagon, and a Nissan Gloria.

There is no rhyme or reason to these pics, just a smattering of close-ups and other photos.  But holy hell this fun.  Just indulge me.

And yes, most of these are available at Japan Booster right now, with free shipping if you spend over $50.  It is totally worth it...


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