Just Unveiled, German Edition: Felix Holst's Hot Wheels VW Caddy & a BMW M4?

As was teased yesterday, and then unveiled on our favorite Brazilian website, Hot Wheels is releasing the VW Caddy, or VW Rabbit Pickup as it is known in some parts:

As expected, collectors love it.  And what is not to love?  A classic, but more obscure VW, complete with bolt-ons and a skateboard in back.  This is clearly a passion project, but from which designer?  The obvious choice would be Jun Imai, who has infused this style into many of his castings, JDM or not.  Or it could be the new resident cool car guy Ryu Asada, who has given us the '90 Honda Civic and Porsche 934.

But it is neither of them.  The VW Caddy was designed the Mattel VP of Wheels himself, Felix Holst, who revealed his design on Instagram.  We know from his time at Matchbox through today, Felix is as passionate a car guy as there is at Mattel, so this is really cool to see.  We will try to get the backstory on this model, but there really is no need.  This is an instant Cool is Cool is Cool.

But that isn't all.  The German theme apparently continues.  Photos have surfaced of what appears to be another new Hot Wheels casting for 2015, the BMW M4:

So it looks like the BMW/Mattel love affair continues.  Let's see, Matchbox did the 1M/M1, Hot Wheels the M3 and now the M4, and Matchbox is doing an M5 Police.  Not to mention all the other classics and racers we have seen in the last few years.  Lucrative this license is...
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