Because we run a blog that covers Hot Wheels, we are required by law to showcase any Drag Buses that are released. Not covering the release of a Drag Bus could have our Hot Wheels privileges revoked in a matter of seconds.
So we do it, and reluctantly so, because the Drag Bus is far from our favorite model. But whatev. Many of you like it, so we are happy to oblige. We promise that we won't mention our hope that this drab casting is retired in favor of the Kool Kombi, which would make a fabulous signature HW VW.
We will say for a model which sports an M&M theme, the chocolate roof looks pretty tasty. So hooray for that.
Now that Panel? We like that one. We don't like that the back was sealed and the motorcycle is gone, but oh well, we like it anyway. The livery on this one is solid, but we sure would like to see a more vintage livery on a model like the '55.
Obviously showcasing a vintage livery isn't the main purpose of Pop Culture, but it could be. How about the A100 Panel with a vintage Starburst logo? Or the Panel with the same? It seems that would be far more interesting, and possibly more popular. I would like these models a lot more if they didn't only serve as a billboard for a product, only with nice wheels.
But many of you like these models, so here they are. We will show the A100 on another day, mainly because we forgot to order it. Whatev.
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Hot Wheels Pop Culture VW Drag Bus & '55 Chevy Panel:
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