January 27th Matchbox Ambassador Report, by Larry Scaduto...

Ambassador’s Report January 27th, 2015
By: Larry Scaduto

Good day to all!!! In this week’s report I’m covering a wide selection of Matchbox goodies….new and old! I’m starting out with some of the latest 2015 models from the basic core line, a new Sky Buster deco, and I am finishing with pictures of the Supreme Heroes Series, International Pumper. Then I’m moving into the SUTC releases of the Sea Kings and of course the regular articles that I include with every report. Hope you enjoy reading everything. Have a great day!!!


First up for this report is the Sand Shredder – Basic Core Model

MB767 Quick Sander – Basic Core Model

MB865 Torque Titan – Basic Core Model

MB895 Road Raider – Basic Core Model

Here we have a 9/10 Pack Exclusive model - MB887 Two Story Bus

SB90 Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning ll – Sky Buster

Supreme Heroes Boone County International Pumper

What a nice deco on the International Pumper. This makes the 5th model shown out of 10! We are halfway through the offerings for this series. This has the best detailing of all releases so far!

  • Are we going to see more station wagons in the line at some time in the near future? Yes. The Olds Vista Cruiser returns in our 9/10 car packs this year and a new station wagon is coming in 2016. 
  • With the introduction of the Runway Wrangler, are there any thoughts about adding more airport type vehicles to the line? Or maybe making existing models into an airport theme? (Fire & Police vehicles, Ambulance, Food Service Van, Fuel Tanker, & Highway Maintenance Truck) These types of models would be a big seller at the airport terminals if real airports or airlines were used. At present the sets sold at the terminals are cheap looking and unattractive. Sky Busters can be included as well. (ambassador expanded on original question) We have done Airport themed 5 packs in the past using existing vehicles redecorated in Airport liveries so it is possible to do this in the future.  Note that a new Airport fire truck is on the way later this year which was announced at the gathering last summer.
  • Is there a consideration to adding commercial jets to the Sky Busters range?  If you are referring to Jet Liners, probably not but we are always looking at private jets and Helicopters.
  • Are there still other Real Working Rigs that have not been re-issued in new packaging like the Pierce Quantum Ladder Truck or the Pierce Velocity Tower Truck? There are some models that have not been reissued in the new RWR package but both Pierce Real Working Rig models will be used for a special item this year. We cannot announce what this item will be yet.
  • The INC. series has been a wonderful side collection within the Matchbox offerings over the past several years. With that said… Any thoughts about releasing a complete set of all models? Interesting Idea.
  • How about an INC. 5-Pack? Interesting Idea.
  • When do you expect the Alfa to be released? In February.
All images and articles are presented here with the consent and permission of Mattel and the Matchbox Team.


MB75 Ferrari Testarossa

MB70 Ferrari 308 GT3

MB24 Ferrari F40

MB14 Leyland Articulated Tanker

If you have a question or just need to reach me, send an e-mail to:

Here I have an early version of the MB67 Rollamatics Hot Rocker. This model has an unpainted metal Lesney England base. The later version that was the regular release had the base modified to say MB72 Maxi Taxi & made in Hong Kong….also with being yellow with the words Maxi Taxi tampo printed on the roof in two different directions!!

    Continues after Lesney with..  

ZJ-1 Submarine Chaser & ZJ-2 Convoy Escort 

ZJ-3 Battleship & ZJ-4 Aircraft Carrier

ZJ-5 Submarine & ZJ-6 Anti-aircraft Cruiser

ZJ-7 Helicopter Carrier & ZJ-8 Guided Missile Destroyer

After the original 10 releases of Sea Kings, SUTC re-issues 8 ships in all new colors. They look so much nicer then the Lesney offerings. The numbers are now tampo printed instead of applied labels. Now you would think that was it for the Sea Kings, but as my next report will show…. This was not to be the last release of these fine castings. Other companies started making even better designs with unique packing. 


This week’s Atta boy goes out to our friends at Target who finally stocked their shelves with some fairly new product. They are at least up to Batch N in my area. If you noticed there was a Mustang Police Car still hanging on the pegs! It would seem the Hot Wheel collectors missed this one!! It proudly sits in my wife’s Matchbox Collection. I got her hooked!!! And I did find a few larger Aqua Cannon vehicles I’ve not seen before. Very colorful….the kids should like them.


1981 Checker Police Car

1981 Checker Fire Chief Car

2014 Volkswagen Golf

2016 Toyota Mirai

2016 Volkswagen Beetle Dune

2016 Ford GT

2016 Toyota Supra

Infiniti Q60

Jaguar XJS

Matchbox Puffy Magnets

Back in the mid 70’s, I was visiting my Grandparents on the north side of Chicago and I went down to the Walgreen’s Drug Store to do my usual thing….look for Matchbox Cars, and I stumbled across this metal display at the checkout counter. There this was next to the register loaded with all these puffy magnets. I borrowed money from my parents and purchased every magnet that was different. I believe this is a complete set of 24. A month later I went back to see if they had more but the display was gone. Then I noticed behind the cash register was the empty display on its side. So I nervously asked the manager if he was willing to part with the display and he said yes and I’ve had this ever since. Still hard to believe this was almost 40 years ago. 

Here are pictures of the front and back of the #16 Badger Puffy Magnet

An update on the 2015 Matchbox Collectors International Gathering of Friends Convention

Well Matchbox Collecting Friends,   

The 2015 Gathering is off to a fast start.  We have had almost 100 dinner reservations and the show is more than 1/2 sold out.  If you have not made your dinner or table reservations yet, do not delay.   Mattel once again will be presenting the new line preview and Hardy Ristau will be back with another incredible presentation as will Ali Sakariti and Jim Reid.  

Information for hotel reservations are below.  

Route 66 Die Cast Show and Convention 2015
Start date: 7/15/15
End date: 7/20/15
Last day to book by: 6/24/15
Marriott hotel(s) offering your special group rate:
  Albuquerque Marriott  for 100.00 USD  per night
  1.505.881.6800 code is Route 66 Diecast Show
  Or book online directly by using this link. 
Book your group rate: Route 66 Die Cast Show and Convention 2015 >>

We will see all here in July.  

Thanks, Jim Gallegos

Pre Pro Glo-Racer Flash Fire

I’m just getting warmed up with the Sea Kings

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