Lamley Case Report: Opening a 2015 Hot Wheels US E Case...

This is the first of at least two case reports this week.

We have an E Case to open today, and at some point this week a Kmart F Case (we presume) will arrive.  And who knows, maybe a pallet of F Cases will arrive at Wheel Collectors as well.  Whatever happens, lots to open.

So shall we get to it?  As always, we have our friends at Wheel Collectors show us what is in the International Cases as soon as they get them, and soon after we at Lamley open a US Case.  Sometimes the assortments are exactly the same, sometimes very different.  And sometimes (only sometimes) we strike gold.  We should actually say only two times.  Since we started doing case reports, we have pulled one Super from a US Case (last year's Impala), and one from a Kmart Case (the Datsun Wagon).  We don't fret about finding Supers, but we know it makes these reports that much more interesting.

So, let's see what happens here.  As always, here are the contents of the E Case, as we pull the models 3-by-3.


Regular TH Alert:

Not a bad case at all.  No Super obviously, and that 302 Mustang would have been a nice find, although I am fine with my store find a couple of weeks ago.  It was also a little surprising that only one mainline 302 was in the case.  I don't think that is the assortment in all cases.

All in all, some nice models to hunt down.  Now on to F...
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