From Hot Wheels Nationals: Artwork for the upcoming new models and recolors revealed...

An update from Nationals here in Kentucky:

  1. Lexington is beautiful.  Hopefully I get more time to explore.
  2. Room-to-room deals seem to go all night.  My head hurts, and all I did was watch them go down.
  3. An elevator full of collectors can get really smelly really fast.
  4. There is so much stuff here:

Lastly, I finally got a chance to register this morning, and pick up the three convention models.  I will give them a full showcase as soon as I return home.

As a bonus, included in the registration packet was Hot Wheels poster #3 of 4, full of the next round of upcoming models, some of which we haven't seen:

I would be happy to take a photo of any models you want me to, but here are some highlights, at least for us:

Lots to like, eh?  That Gulf ZR1 will go well with the other Gulf models we have seen the last couple of years, and we are very curious to see what the Elmiraj looks like.  

Alright, back to the festivities...
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