Package time! Opening arrivals from Japan Booster and Wheel Collectors...

It has been a long day...

Obviously, no one wants to hear me whine about anything, but it was a day that all of us can have occasionally.  But it ended well.

The diecast gods smiled on me today, and sent me a cheer-up in the form of the arrival of two packages - one from Wheel Collectors, and one from Japan Booster.

What is it about getting packages?  It is always fun.  And clearly we are not alone in that opinion.  Wasn't it packages tied up with string that is one of Maria Von Trapp's favorite things?  (A Sound of Music reference in a diecast blog!  Check that off the bucket list.)  Whether it is a gift, or something you bought, you have been able to spend days hyping it up, making you more than excited to get whatever is coming.

And mine came today.  So, for a few minutes I was able to put the day's events aside, and enjoy opening the contents of my two packages.  So I thought I would share.

We start with what came from Wheel Collectors.  We have enjoyed adding Greenlight to the collection, so we were all in on the new arrivals.  And since we like to showcase the latest models from Greenlight, we asked Wheel Collectors to send them ASAP.  Here is what came:

A good-looking set of models, all of which should look nice in the Lamley photo studio.  But for me, this is the gem:

And now from Japan Booster:

This is a package I have been very excited about getting.  In the coming months, Lamley will be expanding to more forms of media, and this package will help with the setup.  You will see why below:

Yep, that is a Tomicarama.  For those of you not familiar with Tomicarama, they are diorama sets made by Tomica Limited Vintage to showcase TLV cars.  We have featured a Used-Car lot and a Shell Gas Station in the past.

And yeah, that is another Tomicarama.  More on those in a second.  The thing to come from the box is this "holy grail" of sorts for me, the TLV 1974 Nissan Cedric in blue.  The model is very hard to come by, and one that I think is a beauty:

Next, another Used-car lot:

Here is the other, a parking lot.  I have a lot of uses for this one:

But wait, there is a third!  The Apollo Service Station, which will match the Shell Station nicely:

Of course, in the photo you see the Apollo Tanker, so...

I got one of those too:

All in all, a day-making assortment from our good friends across the sea:

Yeah, a package like that makes me happy.  We should be having a lot of fun on the blog in the coming days and weeks...
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