Fakes are always fakes: Beware the factory custom...

We thought it prudent to get the word out on these:

If the person who one this is happy with this acquisition, more power to them, but it is probably important to get the word out about what it actually is.

It is a fake.  Nothing more.

This listing is calling it a Zamac Super Evo, and we have also seen models that are called test models, preproduction, or the like.  It isn't.  It is a manipulated model done in the factory for the sole purpose of selling for ridiculous prices on eBay to the unknowing public.  Unpainted bodies are secretly put through the tampo machine, available wheels are added, and the thing gets carded under the radar as well.

So, knowing that it was done in the factory may entice some, but there is nothing official about this.  It is exactly the same as someone faking a rare variation and selling it on eBay.

We have seen this done with other popular models, namely the Datsun 510 Wagon.  Several photos were popping up on Instagram and Facebook showing a Zamac 510 Wagon, but it was the same factory fake.  An unpainted model with the same tampo color scheme as the 2015 version in yellow.  If the 510 Wagon were released as a Zamac, the design would be the same, but the colors different.

One other thing we will say.  It is only a few people in the factory that do this.  Most folks who work in the factories, or collectors in the same area, are fantastic people.  We have gotten to know quite a few of them through the Lamley Blog, and they are as passionate as any collector we know.  So if you want to comment on this situation, please stay away from blanket statements about our good friends in Malaysia.

So, if you want this model, I guess go for it.  But if you paid over $200 for something you thought was legit, I am sorry...
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