We have promised to try and hold off full judgement on the brand new Hot Wheels NSX until we had it in hand.
If you remember, when images first leaked of the NSX, we were less than impressed, but it became obvious by the response we saw on the blog, Facebook, and Instagram, that we were definitely in the minority. Most of you just ate this up. You loved the aggressive stance, the detail, and the added modifications.
We read all the comments, and were almost convinced our shoulder-shrugging reaction may have been a little harsh. We might have been coming around.
Here it is, and it just doesn't do it for us. It falls in the "what could have been" pile. Sure, it is far more stock than the previous modded-out NSX, and definitely an improvement. And we like that it has front and rear tampos to go along with its signature red color. And yes, we like that it exists, and we will surely add it to the collection.
But why the large rear wheels? Same-sized PR5 wheels all around would have balanced this out so much better. And why the Type R details on the rear and rear wing? First off, the Type R wasn't released in 1990, so the name of the model actually is wrong. But we could forgive that if the wheels were equal size. That is our biggest qualm with this one.
Now maybe you young tikes like your 1990 NSX more aggressive like is depicted in the Hot Wheels version, but those of us who ogled over the NSX when our friend Tori's dad bought one back in the day don't need it more aggressive. That flat nose and kick-ass spoiler and tail-light shape was all we needed. That sweeping line from the front all the way back to the spoiler was just so cool, and didn't need to be touched.
But the Type R spoiler takes away from that, as does the large rear wheel well on this one. It is just too bad. We don't need Hot Wheels to do to the NSX what George Lucas later did to the first three Star Wars movies. No need for improvement.
So are we happy this exists? Sure. But for a model that was easily our #1 most anticipated release for 2015, it is a bummer. We will have to look forward to the 180SX and hope in the back of our minds hope that TLV decides to tackle the NSX in the future.
If you like it, we have no problem with that (and you can get it right now at Wheel Collectors
Hot Wheels '90 Acura NSX (2015 New Models):
The two monsters of 2015:
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