Lamley is turning 3. Year 4 should be a good one...

Tomorrow is May 2nd.  That means The Rock, David Beckham, and the Lamley Group Blog are all celebrating birthdays.  It should be a fun day.  Duane is bringing his famous potato salad, and David his croquet set, and we are going to have a party.  Too bad you aren't invited.

But we WILL celebrate with an announcement.  Many of you have asked about a long-absent important element of the Lamley Group, and it is returning in a big way.  Stay tuned.

And besides that big announcement, we have lots of other stuff planned for Lamley's fourth year.  Among them:

  • A new series showcasing Hot Wheels RLC models past and present.  Here is what we will start with:

  • A series we are very excited about - "Models of the Last Matchbox Golden Age", where we will showcase models and lines from the 2004-2011 era of Matchbox, which produced a plethora of good stuff.  We have been going through the Lamley collection making sure we have a good representation of models from that time, including many "Rest of World" releases.  With that in mind, we have been on a bit of a spending spree at MoyShop in Germany, which specialized in all kinds of Matchbox (and is totally worth checking out.  Look for the "Suchen" bar on the homepage to search for different stuff.  And guess what?  15% discount if you use the code "Lamley" at checkout).  A smattering of what we have coming:

  • We have some special models and lines to preview as well, as we move through 2015 and into 2016.  It will be fun to watch the mass hysteria when some of these things are announced and released:
  • You might even start hearing my voice.  Ack.
  • Lastly, we are excited to expand our Lamley Charity efforts.  We have seen collectors from all over the world help a lot of people in very special ways, and we plan to look for more opportunities for our collecting community to help.  We would love to hear some ideas.
All in all, it has been a great three years, and we are most thankful for our good readers.  Your feedback and enthusiasm is most helpful, and we look forward to many good years moving forward...
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