110 year old trolley car found by accident, disguised as a tiny cabin near Green Bay Wisconsin, and it needs a new home pronto

230 were made and used by the Chicago Surface Lines company, the predecessor to the Chicago Transit Authority, to replace the cable cars used from 1890s to 1910s...  and retired in the 1940s through 50s due to the pressure to replace trolleys with busses.  100 of them were sold as scrap to returning soldiers after WW2 and used as homes, or diners, luncheons, or trailer park rentals. http://thetrolleydodger.com/tag/illinois-railway-museum/


The history of the trolley has made a big impression on Sharon Krapil, who is hoping to find someone interested in taking ownership of the train and restoring it to its former glory.

One was restored and is in the Illinois Railway Museum, here's what they looked like new:

Photos from the owner Sharon Krapil, and WLUK Bill Miston

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