June 15th Matchbox Ambassador Report, by Larry Scaduto...

Ambassador’s Report June 15th, 2015
By: Larry Scaduto

This week’s report jumps right out of the starting block with a trio of fantastic new releases. I’m starting out with a new casting for 2015. I’ve had several inquiries about the Jeep Willys Pick-Up and I am pleased to present it here for the first time. This is one awesome model!!! And its inaugural color of red is an excellent choice. With a casting this nice just about any color would have been a good selection in my humble opinion….. If you are into PrePro’s, I’ve loaded that section up with a bunch of really nice models. And in the History section, I get into something interesting that is not a diecast car. You’ll see that I’m a dangerous collector when I set my mind on collecting any particular series. Well I hope you enjoy my latest report. Best Regards, Larry

In the weeks report I’ve decided to Pick-Up the pace a bit with the new releases. And the word Pick-Up has a duel meaning since all new models featured in this section are pick-ups.  

(MB995) Jeep Willys Pickup (Front View)

Jeep Wills Pickup (Rear View)

(MB778) Ford Raptor (Front View)

Ford Raptor (Rear View)

(MB862) Dodge A-100 Pickup (Front View)
All images and articles are presented here with the consent and permission of Mattel and the Matchbox Team.

Dodge A-100 Pickup (Rear View)

(SB133) Sky Busters Stunt Plane (Front View)

Stunt Plane (Rear View)

Batch E Case opening:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WHD_ShYvIA by: Diecastic


I’m starting out with one of my latest additions to my PrePro collection. This MB25 BMW Z-3   is painted light gold with a grey interior and a 1996 black plastic Thailand base.
 Now we take another look at the Morphed Viper from the 90’s TV Series
Viper Season 4 intro video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH0Rlrz4UXo 

Here I have a trio of Morphed Vipers. I’ve already shown the yellow model in another report. I have a few new ones to add to the collection. First I have a black Viper with a blue interior and next to that is a bright blue version with a matching interior. And my yellow one is pictured to show how the group looks together. All 3 models have a pink detailed base with no text.

Next I have a MB67 Lamborghini Countach LP500 S with a white body, white interior and a white plastic 1985 Thailand base. This model also features small black plastic Goodyear tires.

 I seem to be on a kick lately with themes. It’s not a bad thing, especially when we are talking Matchbox. So here we go with yellow PrePros. First picture above is the MB50 London Bus. (I know you are saying it should be MB17, but this says a different number on the base.) My only thought is that it was supposed to be MB50 before became MB17. Okay, back to the description…. Once again, this bus is painted yellow with a white interior and a 1980 black painted metal Lesney England base. The top of the bus has a rather large paint blemish that can be seen in the picture. This is one heavy model!!!! 

Next I have a MB51 Combine Harvester with a yellow chute and 1977 Lesney England base text

Pictured above: Another yellow PrePro and this time it is the MB45 Carmichael Commando (The production model number was MB57) this model features a black interior, blue tinted windows, black ladder and an undated plastic Lesney England chocolate brown base. 

Above is the yellow PrePro of the MB69 ’33 Willys Street Rod. This model features a 1982 unpainted metal Lesney England base with chrome plastic engine/interior. 

Lastly, I’m picturing the yellow MB34 Chevy Pro Stocker. This model has a red interior with a 1980 unpainted metal Lesney England base. You will notice there is a piece of the windshield that was not removed before assembly.  This appears to be a very common PrePro model.


In this week’s History section I’m going back to the years 1989-1992 and I’m featuring one of my Matchbox Carousels. This is a wonderful item from Matchbox’s not so distant past. 
Blue or pink labels were featured on the carousels

Here are some close-ups of the carousel with an assortment of animals. The top is below. 

When the crank is turned on the base, the carousel spins and plays music. The animals go up and down as the music plays on. There were quite a few horses and animals to collect. I don’t have them all. I am missing just a few. (Hard to believe….I know!!!) There were Rocking Horses (not pictured) and a Swan, which I’ve only seen pictures of.  The hunt will go on for the others…

Display Stand with Horses

Blister carded example of a horse from the Carousel Collection. The horse is a hard plastic with the tail made of material that resembles hair and the pole is diecast metal with a plastic base.
Here is a YouTube Commercial for Matchbox Carousel Collection (1989-1992)

Okay…..I went a bit crazy this time with the Pontiac Firebirds. We already have the casting in the lineup; why not paint it in classic design? I know these are a bit newer than the model currently available in the basic assortment. 

1979 Pontiac Trans Am

Pontiac Yellow Bird

Pontiac Sky Bird

Pontiac Red Bird

 Volvo 850 T-5R

Volkswagen Cross Coupe GTE

2014 Audi S8-4

2016 Chevy Camaro

2015 Kia Sorento
(This is actually my new vehicle. I couldn’t resist a adding this one)

Matchbox CarPow 

This is an interesting game from around 1971. Matchbox CarPow was only available for a few years and the object of this game was to roll your Matchbox car down the ramp and try and hit the plastic break away car that is swinging side to side at the bottom. (the assembly instructions calls this car a jalopy). Hit it 6 times, you win! I was going to assemble CarPow for this article, but after 44 years the plastic has become quite brittle. So the picture of the box will have to do.

Here is a page from the 1972-1973 German Catalog

The following information was sent by: Marcel Colijn:

The following picture was sent by Mark Aimes. The Cosmoblie was not a generic - but a real model!!!! Well, not exactly….. This model is from a kids carousel ride at an amusement park.

MB68 Cosmobile
In my last report I pictured a small section of a new casting for 2015. I’ll feature this model in my next report. But if you guessed that it was the Mack CF Pumper……. You were correct!!! The full model will be in my next report due out at the end of this month. 

I’ll be seeing some of you in Albuquerque. 

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