Meanwhile, in trucking news, a trucker was hit in the head by a bullet, possibly accidental, OR he is as hardheaded as his friends know him to be, as it was a direct to the head impact that didn't crack his skull

Just outside Canton Ohio, a trucker was getting into his cab at a loading dock, and bam! Bullet to the head.

He was able to get inside the building and get help, and was rushed to the local hospital, and is doing ok.

This is a reminder that truckers aren't yet allowed in America to carry a pistol... for self defense, though they are frequently in sketchy locations and deal with some screwy problems, like women trucker drivers on the long haul deliveries that sleep in their cabs overnight. It seems like it's mostly the trucking companies not allowing drivers to protect themselves

I just talked with a trucker friend o mine, and ol shipmate, and he's worked for about 6 different trucking companies, Swift, Schnieder, Keen, etc, and its the trucking companies that don't allow their drivers to carry a gun.

Some or most states won't agree on what a carry permit ought to require, ammo in or seperate from the gun, etc...

There is a truckers coalition trying to get the ATF to issue a national permit for truckers, in response to the deaths of truckers who've been murdered

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