How fun is it to do a post like this? Really fun.
No pleads for more realism from Matchbox. No complaints about the lack of licensed models. No waxing on about what Matchbox used to be. Hell, no photos of a Hot Wheels model that generates the proverbial "Matchbox should have made that!" responses from readers.
What you are looking at is a fantastic Porsche Cayman alongside a Lamborghini LM002. Matchbox should have made th...wait, bad. And both were made by Matchbox. Of course.
I mean, look, realistic colors, front and rear tampos, realistic lines, just like the realism that Matchbox used to be all abo...oops, sorry, I promised I wouldn't go there. They both look awesome. Of course.
And these are perfect choices. One, a Porsche, but not THAT Porsche. The other, a Lamborghini, but not THAT Lamborghini. The just-off-the-beaten path model choices are a Matchbox hallmark, or at least it used to b...alright, I will stop. But both great choices. Of course.
Ok, it is hard for me to stay on task. I am trying to move away from the big picture and focus on these two models that are such a welcome sight. But the big picture looms. This latest batch of Matchbox
Plus, legendary graphic designer Michael Heralda, who spent the last few years designing gem after gem for Matchbox, just walked out of the Mattel Design Center as an employee for the last time yesterday, heading into what will surely be a fruitful retirement. More on that later this month, but that also marks a significant change for the brand. And there are more staff changes coming.
Curiosity is high, and thankfully we have the new Matchbox team ready to tell us all about where things are headed in a month. So we will wait for that.
In the meantime, just enjoy the pics of these two fantastic models, both designed by Miguel Lopez, who has been on a designing hot streak. We will cover a lot more later...
I will even spare you the MB Cayman vs. HW Cayman photos that will prove no contest. That is for another time. Staying on task...
(Find both the Porsche and Lamborghini at Wheel Collectors
Matchbox '14 Porsche Cayman & Lamborghini LM002 (2015 New Models):
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