Hot Wheels 2016 Batch A has been unveiled...

Yep, we are here.  2016.

Sure, in standard time there are still a few turkeys to eat, Santa needs to make his run, not to mention a run on pumpkins and Frozen costumes, but in Hot Wheels time 2016 is here.  Actually, in Hot Wheels time it is actually 2017, but that is a story for another time.

But it is time to move from the known to the unknown.  I actually prefer not knowing the next year's lineup, because it means more surprises.  And now with our favorite Texas seller unveiling Batch A, we have our first idea of what is coming.

It starts with the first Treasure Hunts.  The Tesla Roadster will be the first Super, and the Rig Storm will be the Regular.

Not a bad Super, and it is nice to Hot Wheels continuing to branch out with the carmakers they are using for the Supers.  After no Chevys last year, the first one pops up about 3-4 batches in, after a Tesla, Hudson, and Acura.  Cool cool cool.

The other notables are the fantastic Isuzu-based Chevy LUV, which Hot Wheels has given the standard treatment, and another Batmobile for you bat-fans:

The rest you can see be following the link (and be sure to check the completed listings):

Hot Wheels 2015 Batch A

Some other notables:

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