The unique Hot Wheels "Editor's Choice" Hiway Hauler, and a chance to have one...

If you collect long enough, there is a good chance that some unique model will end up in your collection.  Maybe it was a rare variation you happened across.  Or maybe you won a Mattel preproduction model at a charity auction.  Or maybe it is specially-made small-run model for an event or something similar.

We tend to run with the word "rare" on models like this, but "unique" or "special" might be even more accurate.  The fact is many of these are rare, but it is much more than that.  It is these kind of models that I love featuring.

That is why I was intrigued when I was contacted by collector Doug Jones, who has one of those "unique" models himself.  Even more intriguing, he is getting rid of it.

That unique model?  The 1 of 100 released-so-far Hot Wheels Editor's Choice Hiway Hauler.  I will let Doug explain what it is:
The "Editors Choice" Hiway Hauler" was released to Red Line Club members who wrote an article for the Red Line Club or had their collections featured on their site. I acquired this back in 2011 when my collection was featured on the RLC Collector Spotlight page. The selection process is unknown but it required collectors to submit a questionnaire with questions such as "How did your collection get started?", "What is your favorite casting?", questions of that sort. Of course pictures of my collection were submitted as well. They must have seen my passion for the hobby so my submission was pushed through and I was one of 12 collectors to be featured in 2011. 

The "Editors Choice" Hiway Hauler is limited to only 500 pieces, mine is numbered #6 of the 100 pieces that have been released so far. I'm certain the other 400 pieces will be released eventually but they will continue to be released solely to members who participated in the editorial process on the website.

The Editors choice Hiway Hauler has a true spectraflame paint job with detailed tampos including text on the gas tank. It reads "Presented in recognition of your valuable editorial contribution to the pages of". An Editor at large tampo can be located on the door as well. This Hiway Hauler features all metal body and base which adds some serious weight to the casting. It also comes with Neo-Classic red line wheels to finish it off. It's a great piece to have in anybody's collection.
Now as far as I know, there hasn't been much action on the guest writer front on HWC of late, so who knows if anymore of these have or will be produced.  I don't know if all 100 produced so far are even in collector's hands.  Frankly I don't remember how many of these features were done on HWC, but one way or the other it is even rare to actually see one.  And #6!?!  C'mon, that is cool.

Here is what makes this story even better.  This model is currently on eBay.  Crazy, eh?  You might be cursing Doug's name for deciding to get rid of it.  But this is where the story gets better.  Doug's family just lost their 17-year-old cat, and to get through that loss, they have decided to adopt a puppy from the local shelter.  Doug is selling this model to fund that adoption.  How cool is that?

Funny that a few years ago my wife's 18-year-old cat passed away, and we now are the proud owners of a fantastic miniature dachshund.  Tiny Edith brings a ton of joy to this house, and I am sure Doug and his family will find a dog that will do the same.  So I am all for what Doug is doing.  One nice part of the hobby is that it can fund other aspects of life when that need arises.  That is one of the reasons I am not too fond of the loose use of the term "scalper" in our hobby.

You can find Doug's listing below:

Hot Wheels Editor's Choice Hiway Hauler on eBay...

If this model interests you, jump in.  This may be the only chance most of you have to get one, unless of course Mattel selects you for an article.  Rest assured, your model won't be #6.

We will be watching this auction closely.  Let's help Doug and his family get a dog, and hope one of our readers gains an incredibly cool model....

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