BMW M235i Convertible F23 with 326 HP

BMW M235i Convertible F23 with 326 HP

BMW M235i Convertible F23 with 326 HP

BMW M235i Convertible F23 with 326 HP. When the cold season unfolds your full power, it is high time for warm thoughts. Come next summer, and with it comes the convertible season 2016. Then, happy can appreciate who convertible may experience the slowly increasing temperatures at the wheel of a BMW M235i and gets the chance to enjoy the perhaps most typical BMW convertible in the current program. We have already in the last summer made us a picture of the strongest 2 convertible and seized the opportunity for a visit at the 24 hour race at the Nürburgring, before we started our BMW i8 Road trip to the Concurs d' Elegize Villa d'Este. The BMW driven by us offers a strong vision M235i in Estorilblau not only because of his painting; also the proportions of the convertibles are the textbook.

The BMW M235i convertible combines everyday life and driving Dynamics and if six-cylinder engine under the hood quite long compared to its competitors, goes on anyway BMW fans. The classic design of a six cylinder has lost none of its appeal in the year 2016, and makes it clear already at the start of the motor, that a high-bred four-cylinder is no real alternative. The sound image shows as varied and multi-faceted in that it is a real pleasure – dominated by the sonor bassy sovereignty from three liter capacity at low speeds up to the fine and never exhausting sound close to the speed limiter all kinds of good sound of six-cylinder. Who searches for a more aggressive sound with significantly more volume and more emotion, is M performance in the range of BMW Accessories find it.

BMW M235i Convertible F23 with 326 HP

Another BMW's typical strength of the M235i convertible is almost exactly balanced weight distribution between two axes, which can be enjoyed in every curve and a clearly noticeable change from the front-heavy standard in the compact class offers ambitious drivers. The front suspension employed thanks to rear-wheel drive only with steering work can be nearly so willingly turn the convertible as the Coupé and offers the driver a degree of feedback, which provides an enjoyable good impression of the further potential of the front wheels and invites so at every corner for risk-free exploration of the border area.

BMW M235i Convertible F23 with 326 HP

That with the Sun on your face and the wind in your hair to feel are, should be ultimately more important than the marginally lower compared to the lighter, but permanently closed Coupé curves speeds not only pronounced convertible fans. Way, as in the BMW M235i convertible enjoy curves experience can and is much fun as in the Coupé even with the roof closed. Generally one notices rarely his extra weight the cabriolet, without a direct transfer from the Coupé to the agility of open M235i is certainly desired.

Year-round lovers of open air pleasure could be on Board of the BMW M235i convertible but right interfere with, the Munich air scarf called and offered some year’s neck hair dryer for the open 2 is not offered. Although there is an option in the 4 series, but for the compact class, just slightly cooler temperatures pleasant furnish is a pipe dream for the time being. BMW is convinced, however, with the arguments to - convince M235i Interesssenten and we can verify that it are enough to choose.
The unique drive and the agile tuned chassis make the BMW M235i convertible in combination with the sophisticated Infotainment to a genuine driving pleasure provider which stands out not only compared with its direct competitors. Without asking for restrictions in everyday life through excessive harshness or a haul to loud sound, the open M235i offers an amazing level of driving dynamics and of course all the advantages of a cabriolet.

BMW M235i Convertible F23 with 326 HP

BMW M235i Convertible F23 with 326 HP - Price

With a price 49.100 Euros, the currently strongest convertible of the compact class is also quite fair priced and even slightly cheaper than a comparable motorized Z4 Roadster, which can hide his age but not in every discipline.
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