Here Is Facebook Messenger Chatbot For Game of Thrones Spoilers

Winter is here, which means we have a lot of questions about the coming season of Game of Thrones. It's hard finding someone who cares enough to listen to you rant about why Jon Snow is the rightful ruler of Westeros. It's also hard to figure out who exactly everyone is and is related to since there are over 150 major characters on the show. We're all getting a little antsy waiting for the new season, so to hold us over a new bot has rolled out 'G0TB0t' on Facebook Messenger. Specifically, it's a Game of Thrones chatbot built to discuss all our Game of Thrones questions and rants. 
Here Is Facebook Messenger Chatbot  For Game of Thrones Spoilers

If you're like me and have been clamoring for Game of Thrones spoilers in the haitus, don't be hopeful that the G0TB0t will give you anything. I interrogated G0TB0t, grilling it on things fans have been dying to know but the bot won't budge. 

Spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 6 Ahead!

And don't even try to ask who is going to win the Game of Thrones, G0TB0t isn't budging.
Sigh ...
Still, G0TB0t is useful in other ways. For instance, it's got jokes.
That Raisin Bran one did make me simultaneously groan and laugh.
Not to mention, despite it continuously telling me that it isn't Wikipedia, G0TB0t is good for finding out information about who the characters are. In case you're confused about their alliances or what family they're from or what White Walkers even are.
This is good information to have at hand, especially since the 'great war' everyone has been talking about for 7 seasons is finally here. Additionally, the G0TB0t has miscellaneous features like suggesting recap videos if you're not caught up or need a refresher. It also has the super important ability to send you awkward photos of the pre-pubescent cast from years ago.
So yeah, I'm pretty thankful for G0TB0t.
The chatbot was created by Catch Digital and was launched to the public today. To find it, simply go into the search bar of Facebook Messenger and type in G0TB0t. It should appear with a cartoon avatar of the show's iconic villains, the White Walkers. Just click that and then get started and G0TB0t will start talking.
Catch Digital spoke about the bot in a statement:
The more questions users ask, the more data we can capture and ensure that we update G0TB0t so that it can answer these queries.
If you want G0TB0t to one day be able to map out the entirety of Westeros in your Facebook Messenger app, get to chatting! Game of Thrones is back on HBO on July 16th, so make sure you get all your information squared away using G0TB0t by then.

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