A blog can be a key promotional tool for your business. Blogger is Google's free blogging platform. While Blogger lets you add a poll widget to your Blogger homepage, it doesn't include an option to add polls to individual blog posts.
Adding the poll to a specific post requires you to add a poll widget to your homepage, copy the HTML code for the poll and then paste that code into your blog post. Since you're just copying and pasting HTML, you don't need to be fluent in the programming language to pull it off.
Creating the Poll
1. Navigate to your Blogger dashboard. Click the "More Options" drop-down next to the "Go to post list" button and select "Layout."
2. Click any of the "Add a Gadget" buttons. Find and click the "Poll" gadget, located in the "Basics" category. Fill out the poll's details, including the question, possible answers and when you want the poll to end. Click "Save."
3. Navigate to your updated blog and find the poll to verify that it went through. Right-click an open space on the page and select "View Source" or "View Page Source," depending on your browser.
4. Press "Ctrl-F" to open your Web browser's search tool. Type the name of the poll into the search box. Highlight and copy the poll's HTML code. The exact code will vary, but starts with something similar to "<h2>[Title of the Poll]</h2>" and ends with "</iframe>" after about six lines of code.
Add to Blog Post
1. Navigate back to your Blogger dashboard, then find the post to which you want to add the poll (or write the post, if you haven't yet).
2. Determine where you want to add the poll within the post. Click the "HTML" button near the top-left corner of the blog post.
3. Paste the HTML code for the poll into your blog post. Be mindful of the existing HTML code; if you're unfamiliar with the programming language, paste the poll to the very bottom of the post to avoid interfering with existing code. If the code you post contains a line similar to "<div class='widget-content' id='widget-content'>", delete it. This line makes Blogger display all of your widgets at the bottom of your post instead of just the poll.
4. Click "Preview" to see how it turned out. If you're satisfied with the placement, go back to the blog post and click either "Save" or "Publish."
- Once you've added the poll to your blog, you can go back and delete the actual poll gadget you added to get the HTML code. Deleting the poll's gadget will not delete the poll within your blog post.
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