Yeah, returning models to the store that you have had in your possession for a few years is a crappy move. I just don't think that someone opened a box, looked at the models, and vocally expressed their displeasure with how those Hot Wheels were unsatisfactory based on their expectations. You bought them at some point, you should figure out what to do with them. And it should be something other than returning them.
Sometimes returns are the real treasure. Take today. I am traveling, and got into town and had a minute to check a Target near the hotel. I was surprised to see quite a few 2008-2010 Hot Wheels models hanging on the pegs. I took a look at a few, and based on the models that were there (mostly licensed), I decided to dig in.
I checked the pegs and the bin below. By the time I was done, I had put these aside:
Almost all of these are models I have wanted to add to the collection after passing on them when they were actually out, and while I have the R32 Skyline, I wasn't going to leave it. And that Evo! (I think I left another. Should I go back and get it?) And considering these were $.79 each, I think I did pretty well.
And as great as those Hot Wheels finds were, it was the Matchbox pegs that really delivered. I moved down the aisle to the Matchbox section and saw that they too were holding some older models. It was a little treat to flip through the pegs to see what treasures were hidden behind each other. And treasures they were:
Ah, the Golden Age of Matchbox, represented right here at Target. Remember when this was the bulk of what was hanging? I got a little nostalgic to be honest while going through these.
And the cool thing? These were EXACT SAME pegs that inspired the "Mattel, we want Matchbox back" post that I wrote a few weeks ago, and that garnered quite a bit of attention. These magic pegs are really trying to tell us something...
So yeah, returns are wrong. And yeah, returns are awesome. What a fund day of finds.
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