a twist on the Red Bull mini drome, now it's a figure eight!

Red Bull Mini Drome is an all-day racing competition for single-speed fixed gear cyclists where they can race against the clock and then against each other to see who is the fastest burner on two wheels.

Just recently in March, I posted about a Red Bull mini drome http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2015/03/mini-drome-racing.html and it was oval.

Red Bull Mini Drome in 2015 is set to be extra special because a hardly seen Figure 8 track is going to be built this time around. Known to only have existed a few times — one being the 1995 Toronto Cycle Messenger World Championships — it involves more speed, extra precision and a bit of danger as cyclists take turn after turn without rest.

Coming to life Friday, June 19, in an old 1920s Queens dance hall that has been holding up as a creative art space called Project Studio for the previous 20 years. Its recently restored colorful and antique fixtures and moldings lend to the spectator-friendly, playing-where-you-don’t-belong vibe synonymous with Red Bull Mini Drome.

http://www.redbull.com/us/en/bike/stories/1331729870104/check-out-red-bull-mini-drome-nyc-rare-figure-8-track  via  https://www.facebook.com/RedBullBike?fref=nf
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