Hyundai Hope On Wheels Announces New Donations of $10.25 Million during September National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Hyundai Hope On Wheels®, a leader in the fight against childhood cancer and supported by Hyundai
Motor America and its dealers, today announced a donation of $10.25 million to pediatric cancer research
in the U.S. This latest donation is part of Hyundai Hope On Wheels’ annual September program
recognizing National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. This year, a unique social media initiative
will be promoted to thank all Hyundai owners whose vehicle purchases contribute to the cause. Since
1998, Hyundai Hope On Wheels has awarded over $72.0 million for pediatric cancer research in the U.S.
“Hope On Wheels is our fight to end pediatric cancer and is at the soul of our work at Hyundai. With each
car we sell, we make a contribution with our dealers to end this disease,” said John Krafcik, president and
CEO of Hyundai Motor America. “We’ve now raised over $72 million dollars, and ask everyone to join us
this September on Facebook to raise awareness about this cause.”
This year’s initiative will kick-off with a full page announcement in the August 30th weekend edition of the
USA Today. It will be immediately followed by a 5K run/walk in Fountain Valley, CA on August 31st.
Throughout the month of September, Hope On Wheels will travel the U.S. donating research grants to
children’s hospitals each in the amount of $250,000. Other activities will include seven additional 5K
run/walks around the country and Hope On Wheels will take part in a series of events on Capitol Hill with
the Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus.
Hyundai will promote a unique social media initiative, primarily on Facebook and other social media sites,
to create awareness about pediatric cancer during the month. The program is called “Every Handprint
Tells A Story.” The iconic handprints of the Hope On Wheels logo represent the dreams, hopes and
journeys of kids diagnosed with cancer everyday in the U.S. Visitors to the Hyundai Facebook app will
be able to learn about the research funded by Hope On Wheels, view videos of pediatric cancer
survivors, share stories on social media and post their own messages of hope. You can visit the page at, or go to the website
“With childhood cancer remaining the leading cause of death from disease for children in the U.S., there
is an urgent need for more research that can lead to better cures for our children,” said Peter C.
Adamson, Chairman of the Children’s Oncology Group (COG). “Hyundai and its dealers are bridging the
widening gap in childhood cancer research funding and have quickly become one of the largest and
more innovative grant providers in the field. We are grateful for their support and efforts to bring our
cause to the forefront of the national dialogue.”
As part of its annual September effort, Hope On Wheels will hold a series of pediatric cancer awareness
activities in Washington, D.C. Once again this year, Hyundai and its dealers will come together at a joint
press conference with Members of the Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus, co-chaired by U.S.
Representatives Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD). Hope On Wheels national youth
ambassador, CJ George, will address the audience, and leading doctors, policy makers, Members of
Congress, and childhood cancer survivors will attend the press conference at the Rayburn House Office
Building, Gold Room on September 19th from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. ET. Immediately following the press
conference, the Congressional Caucus will host its 4th Annual Childhood Cancer Summit. The summit
will examine the current state of pediatric cancer and open discussion for future advancements to benefit
children battling cancer.
“Over the past 15 years, Hyundai dealers and the Company have stood resolute to provide funding for
pediatric cancer research,” said Mickey Pong, Chairman of Hope On Wheels and Hyundai Dealer of North
County Hyundai. “As a Hyundai dealer, there is nothing that I am more proud of than the work we do with
Hope On Wheels. We want every person who enters our dealerships across the country to know the impact
they are having on these children’s lives. The September effort will not only provide needed research dollars,
but also tell the stories of these brave children for whom we fight.”
Hyundai Hope On Wheels will surpass $72 million in grant awards to children’s hospitals nationwide by the
end of 2013. The Hyundai Scholar Grant program awarded $3 million earlier this year to young investigators
across the country. The September Hope Grant will be awarded to 41 children’s hospitals and research
institutions across the country. The highly-competitive Hyundai Hope research grant program is open to the
nearly 200 Children’s Oncology Group member institutions engaged in pediatric cancer research in the U.S.
Grant winners are selected by the Hope On Wheels Medical Advisory Committee, a distinguished group
of leading pediatric oncologists throughout the nation.
To learn more about Hyundai Hope On Wheels, please visit
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